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St Simon Likas hosts annual reunion of Mary’s Legionaries

The legionaries pose for remembrance at the end of the reunion, 9 Dec 2017, St Simon Hall Likas.

LIKAS – St Simon here hosted the annual reunion of the Legion of Mary on 9 Dec 2017 at its parish hall.

The Annual General Reunion (AGR) is one of the activities decreed by the Legion in which all members come together for prayer and fellowship on a day nearest to Dec 8, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

The spirit of Mary is a spirit of joy. It is the spirit of the Magnificat, the Legion Anthem. How are they going to recruit new members if they are not genuinely happy and joyful? How are they going to convince people of the Good News if they go around as if they were overwhelmed with bad news? Saints are not glum and neither are apostolic men and women.

Father Cosmas Lee welcomed some 80 participants from the different praesidia in the archdiocese and encouraged them to enjoy their fellowship.

Organised by the Kota Kinabalu Comitium, the event featured prayer (rosary, catena) led by Good Shepherd Sister Teresa Chye, games, lucky draws, and dancing.

It ended with lunch for all.

The KK Chinese Curia has its own AGR at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Karamunsing on Dec 10.

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