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Parish Family Life Ministry established in Beluran

BELURAN – The Parish Family Life Ministry (PFLM) was established in Our Lady of Fatima Parish here on 29 July 2017.

Thirty participants from St Paul Ulu Dusun, St Anthony Bukit Garam, Emmanuel Church Jaya Bakti and neighbouring Beluran chapels.

In his opening remarks, Bishop Julius Gitom said, “It is about time to have your own Family Life Ministry in order to find out the challenges faced by families in your own parish. If you do not know your enemy, how can you overcome them? Therefore, be aware and identify them then together we find solutions.”

He added that if a family is strong in its faith, “then our Church will also grow  stronger.”

Cesar Siruno, Sandakan PFLM chairman, presented a slideshow on the scope of the family life ministry at different levels: pre-marriage course, marriage enrichment programmes, natural family planning, coordinating activities for senior citizens and single parents, collaborating with other commissions and ministries in organising activities relevant to family life.

Dimeh Koyopo, of St Mark’s Church, shared: “It was through our (with his wife) experience in handling couples under crises that I was attracted to serve in this ministry. You need to be faithful and committed to your service. It is important to pay attention to my own role and responsibility as a father and as a husband, first of all, before I can tell others to do so. The words “I’m sorry” for a husband is not easy to say, but knowing our “marriage vow” should become a common practice in the home if I were to lead the parish.”

Gabriel Bali, newly elected OLOF Family Life Chairman shared “I always think of a family in small groups, but now we need to spread our wings, knowing that we have a Mission to do in our parish starting from our family.”

The office bearers for 2017-2019 are Gabriel Bali (chairman), Camillus Bikanis (asst chairman), Linda Marcus (secretary 1), Anthony Valentinus (secretary 2), and Cristina Heresilles (treasurer). –


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