HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
BILA Youth’s recommendations for youth workers
PAPAR – Inspired by the Gospel story of the Samaritan Woman, ninety- five (95) delegates from various episcopal commissions and Catholic organizations for Youth in Asia (COYA) gathered together at Pace Bene FSIC Retreat Centre, 3-7 Aug 2015 for the 3rd Bishops’ Institute for Lay Apostolate (BILA) on Youth, under the auspices of the Federation of Asian Bishop’s Conferences – Office of the Laity and Family – Youth Desk (FABC-OLF-YD).
At the end of BILA III, they make the following recommendations:
For all who care for the young in Asia:
- To be continually transformed through prayer and daily encounters with the Lord.
- To continue to respect and value the youth as gift and vital part of the Church today and its future.
- To provide regular opportunities for dialogue between Church leaders and young people as well as youth ministers.
- To empower the youth and provide opportunities for them to minister to their peers.
- To lead the youth to discover the treasure of the Church’s teachings and experience encounters with God through the Mass and the other sacraments.
- To explore new methods and ways of reaching out to the young especially those who suffer in the peripheries.
- To lead the youth intentionally to become disciples through the ministry of presence, dialogue and witness.
Particularly for Youth ministers:
- To give sufficient attention to youth ministers’ needs and set-up support structures to enable them to address concerns such as loneliness and burnout.
- To help youth ministers remain relevant through ongoing formation.
- To keep youth ministers updated with technology and youth culture.
- To share resources between dioceses, offices and movements as a Church in communion.
- To call and train more full time lay youth ministers in our dioceses, parishes and organizations, and provide suitable remuneration.
- To plan for youth ministry ‘succession,’ respect the teams and work done previously and do proper documentation of events and tools for continuity.
- To channel the idealism and energy of the youth for social justice and address dehumanising issues in our cultures and societies.
- To provide spaces or create opportunities to train our youth to understand and engage in inter-religious and ecumenical dialogue.
To transform Asia, we humbly acknowledge and invite everyone to reflect further ways to reach out beyond our comfort zones to the ‘peripheries’.
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