KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
Backdrop enhances “Christmassy” atmosphere at parish carols by candlelight
KOTA KINABALU – The green-and-red backdrop enhanced the ‘Christmassy” atmosphere at the annual Carols by Candlelight held at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre foyer here on 18 Dec 2016.
The creative Christmas tree design by Alpha attenuated the Christmas theme O Come, Let Us Adore Him.
Father Max Hontor led the opening prayer. The gospel reading was read in English (Father Joshua Liew), Bahasa Malaysia (Father Rhobby Mojolou), and Mandarin (Archbishop John Wong). The archbishop also gave a short reflection before carol singing in different languages by the various parish groups started, following the flow of the Christmas story.
After the sixth carol was sung by the SH Chinese Choir and Youth, the service of the light began. Abp Wong lighted his candle from the paschal candle and passed it on to others while the Chinese Choir & Youth sang “The Light of Christ.” Thereafter, carol singing resumed.
Some 300 people turned up for the event including the religious sisters and a visiting priest from New Zealand.
The event ended with a closing prayer and blessing by Father Mitchelly Kiun and some light refreshments.