HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Sandakan youth commission visits Tawau parish youth
TAWAU – The youth commission of Sandakan Diocese made its second parish visit after SYD-4, to Holy Trinity here on 8 Oct 2016. The first visit was to Lahad Datu on Sept 10. The purpose of the meeting was to have a dialogue and sharing with the parish youth ministry and also potential future youth leaders.
The sharing was based on three questions: their joy of serving in the ministry, challenges and what they need from the youth commission especially in their service as parish youth leaders.
All shared their own experiences of serving in the ministry. The important thing is that they have learnt new things along the way. They said that close family relationship is a foundation of their joy.
However, service is not without challenges. Although they are facing these problems – lack of communication, work commitment, time constraints in meeting up and documentation problems among the migrant youths – these challenges have not dampened their spirit to come together and serve. As one of them said, “journeying together in this ministry has a lot of surprises along the way.”
The Tawau parish youth acknowledged that challenges exist so they said motivation is always needed. Programmes such as youth consultation and other similar programmes by the Diocesan Youth Commission help them a lot. They asked that these programmes be continued.
The commission continued their visits to three other parishes for the same purpose. – DOSPO