PASAY CITY, Philippines – Daughter of St Paul Sr Maria…

Fsp Missionary Called to Eternal Life
PASAY CITY, Philippines – Daughter of St Paul Sr Tomasina Vasquez who had served in Selangor in the 1980s-1990s was called to eternal life on 6 Aug 2023 here a few weeks short of her 86th birthday
Born in Quezon Philippines, she entered the Daughters of St Paul in 1959 after graduating from secondary school and completing a training course as a business secretary. She made her first profession in 1963 and took her final vows in 1968. She was an open and friendly person, attentive and sensitive, always smiling despite the difficulties she encountered in life and the problem of poor health. In 1985, she was sent to Selangor where she served as bursar, bookkeeper and superior. In 1994, she was sent to Nigeria where she served for 12 years and then to Zambia where she served for three years. In 2012 she returned to the Philippines for good. In February 2023 she was diagnosed with brain cancer which quickly spread to her vital organs. And on the feast of the Transfiguration, she passed on to eternal life.
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