KOTA KINABALU – The religious men and women of Kota…

Watoto Children’s Choir Fundraising Online Concert 29 & 30 August 2020
Choir 103 may finally be able to go home! The Choir could not return to Uganda as scheduled because of the unexpected pandemic. They have managed the challenges well for the past 5 months, with support and encouragement of friends and partners in Malaysia.
As Uganda’s borders are still closed, it makes the costs of returning the Choir home very high, exceeding our budget. Therefore, we are now raising funds. You can support this effort through the purchase of a concert pass and/or a donation.
We will need to organise a special repatriation flight back to Uganda. This will cost around USD60, 000 which will include flights, medical tests, transportation, meals, accommodation for quarantine etc. Excess funds will go to Watoto Child Care Ministries.
Online Fundraising Concert Details:
Date: 29 & 30 August 2020 (Two Concerts)
Time: 7:00pm MYT/HKT
Pass Prices: HKD40 (~MYR21/SGD7) / HKD100 (~MYR54/SGD18) / HKD150 (~MYR81/SGD27)
Buy the pass@: https://bit.ly/3gW5gkG OR watotoasia.boutir.com
For more information, please contact:
Kenneth Wong (MY/SG) on +601127272379
Abby Chan (HK) on +852 98587893
Lau Suen Yan (HK) on +852 92437687
Email: asia_my@watoto.com
Sample Video of the Watoto Children’s Concert
【Watoto 兒童合唱團網上籌款音樂會】
日期:2020年8月29 & 30日(共兩場)
時間:7pm HKT
通行證價格:HKD40 / HKD100 / HKD150
HKD40 – 資助每人一餐膳食
HKD100 – 資助當地交通費用
HKD150 – 資助每人每日在隔離處所的住宿費用
For more information, please contact:
Kenneth Wong (MY/SG) on +601127272379
Abby Chan (HK) on +852 98587893
Lau Suen Yan (HK) on +852 92437687
Email: asia_my@watoto.com
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