HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…

Watoto Children’s Choir: Stories of triumph in songs and dance
KOTA KINABALU (CS) – Other than coming to Africa yourself, what better way to learn about all the good things happening in Uganda than through this stirring, musical experience, the Watoto Children’s Choir.
What more, you might get to meet some of Africa’s future leaders, says Kenneth Wong, Project Cordinator for Watoto Asia (Malaysia and Singapore). People see their smiles and are embraced by their hugs. The children have the distinct privilege of telling people, “It’s possible to have joy, to laugh and to have hope, no matter what you’re going through.”
The Watoto Children’s Choir has launched their brand new album: We will Go, and has embarked on the Asia leg of their choir tour beginning mid-September 2019 with Japan, followed by Hong Kong, and arriving in South East Asia Jan 8-29. The SEA tour would begin with Sabah, before going on to Singapore, and then Peninsular Malaysia, and ending the tour by Mar 26.
Each choir tours for six months, presenting the story of abandoned African children and vulnerable women, who have been empowered to rise above their circumstances, and answer the call to be part of the new Africa – ready to make a difference in the world.
Watoto Children’s Choirs have traveled extensively since 1994, sharing a message of hope for Africa’s most vulnerable children and women. On almost every day of the year, the choir is performing somewhere in the world. This time around at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre Jan 19 (pic), we are privileged to meet the 103rd Choir and be part of their journey. The packed hall augurs well for the Watoto Children’s Choir.
Like Africa, the production is vibrant and colorful, taking you on an emotional journey from utter despair to joyous celebration, as the children and women share their personal stories of triumph in songs and dance.
Proceeds made from the album and merchandise will help Watoto provide vulnerable children and women with homes, education, medical care, and most of all the love of a family.
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