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Apologetics Ministry introduces Lectio Eucharist to SHC parishioners

KOTA KINABALU – The Apologetics Ministry introduced a 10-week series on the Lectio Eucharist to the parishioners of Sacred Heart Cathedral and its sub-parish Church of Mary Immaculate from 6 Apr-6 July 2018 , which attracted about 60 participants.

Renowned theologian Dr Brant Pitre guided the participants through Scripture, history, and Church teaching to illuminate the wonder and miracle of the Eucharist. With deep insight, Pitre gave a fresh perspective for understanding the mystery that is the Eucharist.

This study series feature important questions on the Eucharist, such as: How do we respond to the Eucharist? How do we react to the idea that the Mass is the most dynamic and powerful sacrifice in all of human history? How do we respond to the Church teaching that it is a profound encounter with the life of the Trinity, imparting grace and strength to us and changing us from within? What does it mean when we claim that, in the Mass, the Paschal mystery – life, death, and resurrection – is made present? Do we experience the reality that Jesus Christ is truly present in every Eucharist that has ever been, is, or ever will be celebrated? Do we believe that Jesus is longing to be united with us in this most blessed sacrament?

Over the course of this study, Pitre took the participants back to the biblical roots of the Eucharist. Together they saw how this sacrament is deeply rooted in Sacred Scripture,  explored its origins, its foreshadowing in the many mysterious and miraculous events of the Old Testament and Gospels, and the essential purpose and reality of Jesus’ words and actions at the Last Supper.

In conclusion, the participants were led to examine how the Eucharist is not just a something, but rather Someone with whom they are meant to be in communion.

Lisa Tsen, who received a Certificate of Attendance from Fr Paul Lo  at the conclusion of the study said, “The Lectio sessions have straightened my spiritual faith and given me the insight of God’s infinite love for mankind.”

She added “I felt enlightened by the explanation of the mystery of the Holy Mass, truly a Trinitarian mystery, and a taste of heaven. It has also given me an urge to read the Bible following a devotional plan and a study guide to deepen my understanding.”

Another participant, Mary Lee, a member of  the Secular Carmelites, shared that the 10-session study on Discovering the Mass in the Bible has renewed her sense of awe, attentiveness and thanksgiving at the immensity of God’s love for humankind which is beyond human comprehension.

She said, “It has helped me to perceive clearly that when I receive the gracious gift of the Holy Eucharist – I am receiving the body, blood, soul and divinity of the risen glorified Lord Jesus who wishes to unite his entirety with mine in all my nothingness, my unworthiness, my loneliness, my human frailty and imperfections. How can I then not adore and acclaim the Lord who chose to remain humbly hidden, little and invisible in the Holy Eucharist …?”

Monica Chong, who completed the study, could only marvel how the sessions have left her in awe and “feeling great wonderment and overwhelmed with emotions”.

She shared, “The study teaches us the great mystery of love and mercy of our Lord, to know that He waits for us in every Mass, to celebrate and actively participate more meaningfully, to see the wound and pain when we neglect Him, when our mind wanders, though physically present but is somewhere else.” – Apologetics Ministry

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