HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Stella Maris celebrates Unity Kaamatan

TANJUNG ARU – On 27 May 2018, Stella Maris parish here held a 4-in-1 joyous celebration.
The occasion was Trinity Sunday when the parish celebrated Unity Kaamatan, and doubled up with the parish priest Msgr Primus Jouil’s 38th sacredotal anniversary and 69th birthday.
The parish KKDs (Tatana, Lokawi, Putatan, Tanjung Aru and Faustina) joined hands to organise the celebration.
The event kicked off with Mass in Kadazan- Dusun, presided by Msgr Primus.
To add to the cultural flavour of the festivities, everyone turned up wearing their black traditional costume.
Traditional music was performed by the parishioners, complemented by cultural dances and songs.
Unity Kaamatan was officiated by Msgr Primus cutting the padi. Local delicacies, which were cooked by the organisers, were served.
An anniversary cum birthday cake was cut by Msgr Primus to mark his double joy, and to give thanks to God.
He thanked the organisers for fostering a unity impact on the parish. He also commended the parishioners for their continuous hunger for the spiritual.. – Teresa Alberto