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Sandakan organises marriage enrichment seminar

SANDAKAN – Fifty-six couples and 26 singles attended a marriage enrichment seminar organised jointly by the Family Life Commission, Parish Family Life Ministry, and the Catechetical Commission at the Conference Hall, Diocesan Pastoral Centre here on 15-16 June 2018.
The main speaker was Father Barnardinus Prihartana Agung of Semarang Indonesia. His session touched on family values based the Diocesan Mission.
He emphasised that Christ’s words to Peter in Matthew 16:18-19: “On this rock I will build my church” can also referred to the family as the family is called to be a domestic church. Therefore, the married couple is the rock upon which the domestic church is built.
In this context, the key signifies the key of peace, of well-being, of happiness and it is given jointly to the married couple.
Among the activities organised were communication sessions between couples, testimonies, and renewal of marriage vows at the concluding Mass.
At the final dinner, the head of the PFLM, exhorted the participants to strengthen one another as they have been strengthened by Christ himself (cf Lk 22:32) – Eva Siruno, Sandakan Diocesan Blog