KOTA KINABALU: Social communicators from the nine Catholic dioceses in…
Provincial Superior updates FSP Malaysian communities on congregational situation
KOTA KINABALU – Provincial Superior Sister Noemi Vinoya updated the two Daughters of St Paul (FSP) communities in Malaysia on the congregational situation recently.
Sister Noemi went first to Petaling Jaya to echo the Interchapter (5-20 Sept 2016) on 16-19 Jan 2017 and then to Kota Kinabalu Jan 20-25.
An interchapter is held at the end of the third year of the six-year mandate of the current General Government to assess the progress made in the implementation of the General Chapter priorities and to make priorities for the next three years.
She also installed Sister Mary Sualeh as the new superior of PJ on Jan 18. The next day she and Sister Roseling went to Ipoh to visit the family of Sister Elizabeth Jothee whose mother passed away on Jan 13.
On Jan 20, she flew to Kota Kinabalu for the echoing. She touched on the reports made by Superior General Sister Anna Maria Parenzan, Bursar General Sister Gabriella Santon, and others, making the members aware of the realities and issues confronting the congregation as a whole.
Then she moved into the one priority made by the Interchapter participants as a whole: to deepen and live Pauline apostolic mysticism through three strategies of having a more profound knowledge of St Paul, the Word of God, and the “Pauline cart.”