HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
5th LSS for young adults draws 115 participants
BUNDU TUHAN – One hundred and fifteen young adults converged at the Bundu Tuhan Retreat Centre Jul 11-13 for a Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS), marking this 5th edition the largest participating group ever organized by the Sacred Heart Young Adults Prayer Group (SHYAPG).
SHYAPG offers the seminar as an instrument for bringing people into a deeper experience of the work of the Holy Spirit and provides a way to learn more about living in the Spirit. In the seminar the participants take steps which will allow Jesus Christ to establish, or restore, or deepen a relationship with them.
After listening to the five basic talks touching on God’s Love, Salvation, Sin and Repentance, Forgiveness and Restoration and New Life, the participants were prayed over for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
To those who are willing to come to Him, bondages of sins were broken, transformation of lives being activated, as well as being made open to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and putting the gifts to service of the Church.
Nichol, deeply touched by the seminar, said that she discovered that it was crucial to have a personal relationship with God.
Marilyn, from Labuan, said it was good to be with God’s people again, and was touched by His Presence. Sensing the power of the Holy Spirit, she experienced a voice whispering in her ear “Come back to me my child” and now on fire for God, she professed to remain on fire for Him for she knows now who rules her life.
For many, the weekend marked a new beginning, for their lives would never be the same having been renewed and restored.
For the service team, they could only attribute the success of the seminar to the awesomeness of God! – Fenny Chok
Youths continue to talk about Holy Spirit Camp 2014: The One
“My experience at this year’s Holy Spirit Camp was really awesome. Realizing that I have been chosen, called and commissioned by God Himself, it made me feel special. The talks and testimonies were very meaningful and touching; and some even funny! The highlights for me was the pray-over session and the talk on forgiveness. I truly believe that God has healed my scars and wounds, and that He has given me the strength to forgive those that have hurt me badly.” – Anonymous
“Before I went to the camp, I never experience peace, and it was difficult for me to find joy and happiness. I have always felt lonely, and felt that no one cared for me, even when I was with my friends. But then, my friends were talking about this Holy Spirit Camp, and it made me excited. So I decided to register myself. Upon arrival at the camp, I still felt lonely and deep within my heart, I still felt no peace. But when I went to be prayed for during the inner healing and pray-over session, I experienced the Holy Spirit within me and found peace. I just want to jump for joy!” – Anonymous
“The sessions in the camp had enlightened me on many things. One of them is trust: to trust the Lord; to trust the people that He has given to us. The praise & worship sessions were food for thought. I realize that I need spiritual food to nourish my soul. And this nourishing must be constant and regular.” – Sofia William
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