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Festival of love

Lent visit 1opTAWAU – The 40 days of Lent is an occasion for us to examine our faith and deepen our commitment to live the Christian life. Some 30 English Joyful Sunday School students of Holy Trinity Church, Tawau, 12 parents and facilitators made a visit to the Old Folks Home Mar 25 to experience more of Jesus.

The objectives of the outreach were to live out our Christian call in concrete ways to share with older people the love and compassion of Christ, and to enlighten the children to develop an awareness of the responsibility of taking care of the aged in their own family.

The children were exposed to the meaning of charity in its true sense. They learned to act on it by giving away goody bags to each of the elderly resident. This helped to build a strong culture of giving, putting into practice the three traditional pillars of Lent; Fasting, Prayer and Alms-giving.

The children hugged the ‘grandfathers and grandmothers’ with the warmth and love of Christ, which brought much joy to them.  It was an awesome moment for the children and adults as well.

As it was a wonderful experience to sow seeds of love and compassion among the young, it was decided to have the same activity in caring for older persons as a yearly program. – Cristin Tan

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