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St Mary’s Faithful Welcomes 2014 By Putting God First

cs20140116_stmarySANDAKAN(CS).- St Mary’s Cathedral celebrated New Year (2014) Mass at 8.00 am on January 1st. The mass was well attended by parishioners and their families. January 1st coincides with the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, as well as a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church.

“We thank the Lord for all the blessings we have received last year and may the Lord continue to guide, to bless and to be with us in our ups and downs throughout this new year”, said Fr Sunny Chung in his opening homily to the parishioners.

He also urged the faithful to emulate Mother Mary’s faith by saying “Yes” to God without knowing what the future holds for her. By saying “Let your will be done to me according to your will Lord”, Mary has already submitted herself to God and to put her life in God’s hand. As Mary did, we also should follow her example to lead a holy life, to carry the word that was made flesh in our daily life and to put it into practice in our life.

Fr Sunny called on everyone to renew their commitment to God in this new year to bring Jesus into their life, to one another, to those who are in need, to those homeless and especially to those who are walking away from the Church.

He concluded by saying, “Don’t leave Jesus inside the Church building, but take Him and bring Him in our hearts wherever we go and in whatever situation we may face”.

After the Mass, everyone took the opportunity to exchange New Year greetings with one another and with Fr Sunny Chung.


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