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A call to embark on one of the most exciting journeys in my life: Being a Pauline Cooperator
Praised be to God and Jesus, Divine Master !
Forever grateful and thankful that I have just recently embarked on one of the most exciting journeys in my life. On 29 October 2023, the Solemnity of Jesus, Divine Master, in the Pauline Family, I solemnly made my PROMISE of commitment and inducted as a member of the Association of Pauline Cooperators (APC) before Fr. Edward Dantis of the Society of St. Paul (SSP) and the Daughters of St. Paul (FSP) and other APCs at the Queen of Apostles Sanctuary, Pasay City, Manila, Philippines. It was a heartwarming celebration as I received countless messages of congratulations from the FSP sisters and APCs as they welcomed me to the Pauline Family.
What is a Pauline Cooperator, you might ask? The Pauline Cooperators were founded in 1917 by Blessed James Alberione, an Italian priest with great vision and even greater faith, who founded 10 institutes: (5 Religious Institutes and 5 Secular Institutes). The Daughters of St. Paul is one of the Religious Institutes who you might know as those joyful media sisters from the social media, or from their brick-and-mortar bookstores.
The APC’s primary aim is to support the mission of the Society of St. Paul and the Daughters of St. Paul, religious congregations dedicated to using modern media for evangelisation. The Pauline Cooperators assist in various ways of evangelisation using the means of social communication, by praying, promoting the dissemination of God’s Word through the media materials, and supporting the work of these religious orders.
In the spirit of St. Paul, under the gaze of Mary, Queen of Apostles, the Pauline Cooperators seek to “live and give” Jesus Master, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, with the goal that we might one day proclaim, as did St. Paul, that it is “no longer I, but Christ lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20).
And, we do this while committing ourselves to being fortified in the spiritual life by reading and meditating on the Sacred Scripture and by partaking in the Eucharist.
With that, I am truly grateful for this opportunity, and I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to everyone involved in my calling until induction as a Pauline Cooperator and a member of the big Pauline Family.
Firstly, I would like to thank Sr. Jennifer Han FSP who first accepted my application and managed the APC formation courses in the beginning.
Secondly, Sr. Roseling Siaw Chen FSP who continued the APC formation until the end. She guided and kept us focused on the Pauline Charism. She also arranged for our retreat and induction in Manila, Philippines. She worked closely with Sr. Rosalie Lojiu FSP, the APC National Coordinator, in the coordination of the whole retreat and induction.
Sr. Rosalie’s words of encouragement: “the APC is the root and bridge of the Pauline Family” are indeed something that I will hold profoundly.
Sr. Magdalene Chong FSP and Sr. Mary Sualeh FSP, thank you for your inputs and words of advice about the Mind, Will and Heart.
I also would like to thank Fr. Edward Dantis SSP our retreat master and presider, who inspired us with his knowledge, advice and dedication to the Pauline Family spirituality.
Special thanks to other APC members/formators – Mdm. Judy Jipanin, Theresa Gumpodo, Emily Tongkul , Bernadette Jilimin and Mr. Sylvester Spiji.
Lastly, to our families, and especially to my beloved wife, Gloria Shellylane Gabriel, who has been so understanding and supportive of me.
May the Apostolate of the Means of Social Communication be multiplied and ever onwards as we pray:
“God, to communicate your love to men and women, you sent your only Son Jesus Christ into the world and made him our Master-the Way, Truth and Life of humanity. Grant that the media of social communication press, film, radio, television, records, internet and all forms of digital communication may always be used for your glory and the good of all. Raise up vocations for the multimedia apostolate and inspire all people of good will to contribute with prayer, action, and offerings, so that through these means the Church may preach the Gospel to all people. Amen.”
By : Joshua Sam Yangus
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