HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Children’s Christmas party – more than just fun

KOTA KINABALU – The much awaited annual Children Christmas Party, was finally unveiled at the Sacred Heart Cathedral parish hall on Dec 22.
Children and parents thronged into the hall as early as 10.00 am, more than an hour ahead of the actual event, perhaps at the insistence of the children.
With almost 300 children registered for the party, it was a heart-warming sight for both organizers and volunteers alike to see smiling and laughing children, clutching their “Christmas gifts” close to their chest and perhaps impatient to go home at the end of the party to open them.
Carlos Cordova, the organizing chairman for the party, observed how the children received their Christmas gifts with much joy and excitement, as could be seen from their sparkling eyes.
He however advised parents to continue to guide their children in coming to know the real meaning of Christmas, which is to know Jesus, and to foster a loving relationship with Jesus.
As part of the activities planned for the party, children also had the opportunity to have their colouring skills admired when they put up their artwork for viewing and appreciation by parents and other parishioners.
Other activities included a short video show, group dancing, lucky draw, as well as a range of games tailored for different age groups.
Parish priest Fr Paul Lo, who was present for the children’s event, also spent some time inculcating in the hearts and minds of the children the true meaning of Christmas with the topic “What is Christmas?” He was invited to hand out gifts to the children.
Besides more than just having fun, the Children Christmas Party served to remind the children (and the parents) that their family is truly extended and that everyone are truly their brothers and sisters in Christ. They not only played together but they also prayed together and ate together.
The Social Ministry Committee of Sacred Heart Cathedral, who organized the children’s party with the theme “Christ our Mission”, thanked all volunteers, parents and donors for their contribution in service and in kind towards the success of the party. – Joseph Carlos Leong