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Catholic Family Life Apostolate embarks on 2nd consultative program

BUNDU TUHAN – The Catholic Family Life Commission of the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu held its second Family Life consultative program at the retreat centre here on 5-7 Oct 2018. 

 It was participated by 74 members of the Catholic Family Life Apostolate from 17 parishes under the KK Archdiocese. Most of the participants were newly appointed committee members of their respective parishes.

The commission hoped that through this program, the Parish Family Life Apostolate members may renew themselves and be committed in their ministry; focus and return to the Vision-Mission of the Archdiocese in implementing their activities or programs; and continue the threefold pastoral thrust of the Archdiocesan Vision-Mission.

A 3R methodology approach was engaged to facilitate the program: Recollect, Review and Renew, to equip the participants with knowledge and understanding of their journey, to strengthen their commitment, and to renew their self-confidence in their service.

Fr Michael Modoit, as spiritual adviser of the Family Life Commission, delivered the keynote address on behalf of Archbishop John Wong, who is the Episcopal President of the Family, Laity and Life Commission. He reminded the gathering on the importance of understanding the purpose of the consultation, and the need to journey together and to collaborate with other ministries to effectively combat the culture of apathy, secularization and political Islamisation.

A video on the Realities and Challenges faced by family in Asia was presented.  A recap of the previous year’s consultative program followed, contributed by sharings from St Peter Clever and St Paul Dontozidon, and testimony by Dr Jiloris and wife, Pauline.

 Interspersed throughout the 3-day program were group discussions/consultations based on prepared questions, and followed by experiential sharing of the ministry.

The group discussions have deepened the members’ understanding of the realities and challenges of their journey, while providing exposure to building self-confidence as a leader.

The re-interpretation of the Vision and Mission of the Diocese was presented by Dominic Lim, while Fr Michael deepened their understanding of the need of strategic planning, focusing on the archdiocese pastoral thrust.

The consultation concluded with Mass.  Head of the Commission Family Life Apostolate Sr Suzan Guntabid called on the members to continue to serve humbly and sincerely for every good deed that we deliver is a way to holiness. – Julita Kantod

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