KOTA KINABALU – The religious men and women of Kota…
84 attend ‘Amoris Laetitia’ workshop

KOTA KINABALU – Around 84 people attended the ‘Amoris Laetitia’ workshop organised by the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre here on 21 July 2018.
The participants came from the different groups/communities of the parish as well as from Papar, Penampang, Tanjung Aru, and Likas.
Father Charles Chiew of Keningau facilitated the bilingual (English/BM) sessions.
He touched on the background Pope Francis’ Joy of Love document, noting that it is a study document for all – married, single, religious – because everyone comes from a family, the outcome of the 2014 & 2015 synods on the family.
In the second session Fr Chiew gave a brief summary on the document that has 325 paragraphs in nine chapters.
After giving the participants the methodology on how to study the document, the participants were divided into nine groups, a chapter per group.
As usual, all the groups reported briefly on what they had shared and were encouraged to use the same method when they return to their respective parishes and groups.
This workshop came about after the June PAX Assembly and the facilitating team has started going to the different parishes. The workshop is organised jointly by the archdiocesan and parish family life teams.