KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
ISKB holds General Chapter
KENINGAU – The Betania Community Secular Institute (Institut Sekular Komuniti Betania or ISKB) held its General Chapter on 8-11 June 2018 at the Tatal Diocesan Retreat House here.
Twenty professed members attended the chapter.
The chapter commenced with Mass presided by Bishop Cornelius Piong, founder of the ISKB, on June 8, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In his homily, the bishop reminded the delegates that their love must be purified by the love of the Sacred Heart.
After the Mass, the prelate thanked the community for the service they have rendered to the faithful in the diocese and expressed the hope that they will continue to do so with God’s own love.
The members then proceeded to elect new office bearers for 2018-2023 after thanking those who had served from 2012-2017. The following were elected: Sis Mary Tunsin (moderator), Sis Rita Titing (asst moderator), Sis Janet Leong (secretary), Sis Marianna Gerald (asst secretary), Sis Martha Banting & Sis Anita Uliti (treasurers).
Tunsin was re-elected as the moderator. In her acceptance speech, she thanked all for their cooperation and said ISKB is now 21 years old. She hoped that it will continue to grow and serve the Lord faithfully and fruitfully.
The chapter ended with recreation for the delegates and observers with Bishop Piong on June 11 at the Kg Oloson Recreation Pool, Melalap Tenom.
A secular institute is a Catholic organisation that functions much like a religious community of priests, brothers, or sisters, though usually without a house or building of any kind.
Most members of a secular institute do not live together—though some do—and they lead their normal lives “in the world” while dedicating themselves to God. After a period of formation and preparation that usually lasts eight years, secular institute members “consecrate” or formally dedicate themselves to God, taking vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience.
Few secular institutes have a designated ministry. Instead each member gives witness to the Christian life through whatever it is he or she has been called to do. All members of secular institutes pray daily, attend Mass, make an annual retreat with the institute, and live a life in which God comes first even though they are working in the heart of the world. Like a leaven, members of secular institutes make Christ known and loved wherever they are, ever deepening their commitment to God and the church along with others in their institute. – Janet Leong, Keningau website / Vision Vocation Network