HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Stella Maris ministries set up booths to attract new members
TANJUNG ARU – Stella Maris parish ministries set up booths to attract new members on Pentecost Day, 20 May 2018.
Twenty-four ministries and groups proudly marched into the church with their buntings which were displayed at the sanctuary during the Sunday morning Mass.
The groups set up ‘exhibition’ booths to introduce to parishioners their apostolates, what they have committed to, their upcoming plans and projects. Visitors to their booths were also invited to consider joining them as new members.
To instill and attract interest, some of them have prepared prayer scrolls as gifts, other giveaways, and beautiful displays of artwork and slide shows.
Many parishioners have shown interest and made on the spot decisions to serve, while many were curious as well.
When asked what the exhibitions meant to them, some said the exhibitions have brought awareness so that they could be more active in the parish and contribute in terms of their skills and ideas.
As an added excitement, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) did their raffle draw for the Catholic Center, which sales amounted to RM10,000.
Among those who participated were the Catholic Women’s League (CWL), lectors, Joyful Weekend Gathering Higher Level/Lower Level (JWG HL /LL), Boys Brigade, youths, Divine Mercy, Special Ministry, Komuniti Kristian Dasar (KKDs), Christian Initiation of Children (CIC), Legion of Mary, Children Liturgy, altar servers, RCIA, Eucharistic Adoration Ministry (EAM), Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR), Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (FSIC), choir, wardens, and matrons.
This is the second year that Stella Maris parish has carried out such an activity during Pentecost. – Teresa Alberto