HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
PYD6 media team initiates climb up Tivung Hill for promo
PENAMPANG – The media team for Penampang Youth Day 6 (PYD6) initiated a climb up Tivung Hill in Kg Dungkahang here on 5 March 2017 to promote the event.
St Michael Parish will host the PYD6 on Aug 31 – Sep 3 involving some 300 parish youths. It will also be open to other parishes.
The theme for PYD6 is taken from Jeremiah 1:8 “Do not be afraid – I want to serve.” The main organising team and local organising team are both from the host parish with assistance from the youth of the churches under the parish.
The climb to Tivung Hill was meant to illustrate the theme of bringing the youths of the parish to awareness of being courageous witnesses to Christ wherever they are and to be agents of change in society.
To know more of PYD6 and its progress, log on to their Facebook account Penampang YOUTH’s Day 6 “2017” – PYD6 – and hashtag #donotbeafraid #iwanttoserve. – Wilson Stephen, PYD6 Media Team