HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Limbahau organises monthly youth programme
LIMBAHAU – The Holy Rosary youth ministry organised its monthly youth programme on 19 Feb 2017.
The gathering, dubbed Limbahau Youth Gathering (LYG), was held at the Fr Augustine Amandus Hall here with the theme Enliven faith through God’s mercy. Visiting youths from other parishes also attended it.
The programme featured prayers, praise and worship, and sharings from those involved in the January Emmaus Youth Camp in Kota Kinabalu.
Samantha shared how the experiences of encountering Jesus in the camp have helped her to love others especially those in her family.
Annette Rebecca said that the encounter with Jesus has helped her to have a more positive outlook on life.
The participants agreed to pray for their particular friends’ special intentions.
The gathering saw all enjoying the games and fellowship. February-born (birthday and baptism) participants were honoured at the end of the gathering.
The organisers hoped that parents will fully support this monthly programme and send their youngsters to it. – Mary Merrion, Limbahau TPBP