KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
Two Franciscan novices take first vows
PURAK, Papar – Two Franciscan novices took their first vows on 21 Jan 2017 at the novitiate chapel here.
Novices Maria Raani Duanis and Celadiana Jikulis made their first profession at the Eucharistic Celebration presided by Archbishop John Wong with Father Aloysius Fidelis as concelebrant at the Convent of St Mary of the Angels (novitiate).
Superior General Sister Grace Deosing accepted the vows with Sisters Jane Sandalun and Juanah Saliun as witnesses.
Present at the event were the family members of the neo-professed, friends and benefactors of the congregation, and members of the Secular Franciscan Order.
A week earlier, Postulants Anjellia Gumis, Caroline Pius and Liza Pilek were accepted into the novitiate on Jan 8.