KOTA KINABALU – The religious men and women of Kota…
Christmas comes early to Kg Siba and Kg Sokid in Bundu Tuhan

BUNDU TUHAN – Christmas came early to the children of Kg Siba and Kg Sokid here on 18 Dec 2016.
Most of these children had never been to a Christmas party. Seventy-seven were registered but almost a hundred turned up.
Donations included toys and backpacks of educational aids including dictionaries, pens and crayons.
Among the organisers were Robyn Mahoney and Barb Pye (a nurse) from Australia. They brought along those presents and toys from their Australian friends and work colleagues.
Barb helped the children make Santa faces with paper plates, cotton wool and funny eyes while Robyn helped them make paper Christmas trees and decorated them. They also made angels out of toilet rolls centres and dollies.
A game was organised for all, followed by a sing-along. The highlight was the reception of the gifts of toys and backpacks with a balloon on a stick. – Barb Pye