HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Prayer Group members make JOM pilgrimage
LIMBAHAU – In conjunction with the Jubilee Year of Mercy, over 700 members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal prayer groups made a pilgrimage to Holy Rosary Limbahau on 31 Aug 2016.
They came from the parishes of Inanam, Manggatal, Kokol, Telipok, Kiulu, Tuaran, Kinuta, Dontozidon, Kobusak, Kota Kinabalu, Labuan, Topokon and Tenghilan made a pilgrimage to the Holy Door at Holy Rosary Limbahau, accompanied by Fr Paul Lo, the spiritual adviser of Lay Associations and Movements in the archdiocese.
The pilgrimage was coordinated by Archdiocesan Service Team, led by chairman Hector Jintoni with team members Valerie Dumbong, John Kinsu, Frankie Limus and Patrick Adau.
Not only did the pilgrimage become a means to gather the prayer groups together, but the penitential journey was made meaningful in that it strengthened the relationships among the groups within the archdiocese so as to knit them closer together to serve as one in the love of Christ.
The pilgrimage concluded with a Eucharistic Celebration, presided by Fr Lo. – Marycia, St Catherine Inanam