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Youth share views on serving as working and studying youth

KOTA KINABALU – In a meeting on 24 July 2016, Efata Youth Ministry [BM Sacred Heart] raised up an important issue that is lingering amongst youths today. ‘How do you serve when you yourself are working or studying?’

According to Mariana Sinam, this has always been a drawback from serving the Church. But is it true that it is a stumbling block? She shared some views given by three working and studying youths of the ministry.

 christyAll good things come from God 
Some people said to me, “What do you get from serving? Working gives you money, but serving?” But I believe all good things come from God. Serving helps me to relax my work stress each time I serve or attend a session. Whatever problems that I have, I surrender them into God’s hands. Serving also helps me to be grateful for the gift of life. We, as youth, are the light of the world. If we spend our time on worldly things, who is going to build the Kingdom of God? We are soldiers of Christ, called to serve the lost sheep who do not know Him. Through serving, my empty heart is filled full by Jesus. – Christy Revalina Amat, 25, chef at Fook Lu Siew

aquinasBoth studying and serving go together to build character 
Both studying and serving go together to build one’s character towards goodness. There should be no conflict between them. Studying helps the mind to develop while serving helps our faith to flourish. – Aquinas Simon, 22, UiTM student


jordanI am here to serve not to be served 
My journey with the Lord can be summarised with His words, “He is the one you praise; he is
Your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes” 
(Deut 10:21). We need to respond to the love of God and to know our calling. We are just temporary residents of earth, so let’s do the work God has set for each one. – Jorden Siew, 20, shirt designer


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