HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
KK Archdiocese to hold Jubilee of Mercy for Catechists
PENAMPANG – In union with the universal church and in solidarity with Pope Francis in celebrating the Jubilee of Mercy for Catechists in Rome on 23-25 September 2016, the Catechetical Commission of the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu proposed to hold a similar celebration on the 24th September 2016. As if a band of Christ’s soldiers marching toward battle, catechists from all over the archdiocese will begin their pilgrimage from their respective parishes and convoy toward Sacred Heart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu to be united with the others to celebrate their jubilee.
Tentative programme for the day is as follows:
7:00-8:00 am: Arrival and procession to Sacred Heart Parish Centre
8:00 am: Enthronement of the Bible/Speeches
– Launching of Jubilee of Mercy for Catechists
– Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to catechists serving 15 years and above
9:15 am Tea break
9:45 am: Catechesis on the theme: “Miserando atque eligendo” (Merciful Gaze of Jesus)
10:45 am: Group sharing based on the theme and Abp Wong’s Pastoral Message
11:15 am: Personal Testimony (stage)
(a) KK zone (5 minutes)
(b) Penampang zone (5 minutes)
11:30 am: Reflection/Examination of conscience (based on The Calling of Matthew painting)
12:00 pm: Lunch
1:00 pm: Entering SHC Holy Door
2:00 pm: Holy Mass
3:00 pm: Stage presentation SHPC
5:00 pm: Closing Prayer