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EYC 2014 has opened my eyes

I came to know about the EYC three years ago when I attended the Emmaus Teens Camp in 2011.  I know it’s not by chance that I participated in EYC 2014.  Somehow I believed that I was led to it.

Among the many things that happened at EYC, one that comes vividly to mind was the “exposure” visit to the Kayumadang dumpsite at Telipok.   I saw heaps of stinky rubbish that we threw away and lots of them were plastic bags. What shocked me the most was there were scavengers who were picking up the rubbish to sell them for recycling. This was their livelihood.  The scavengers were not only men, but also women and children. According to them, they could get around RM700 per month from scavenging and selling the rubbish for recycling. From this exposure, I learned to appreciate what I have in my life and to really love and take care of Mother Nature. 

Besides this, I had the opportunity to sing the Psalms during Mass, which I’ve never tried before. I also had the opportunity to improve my leadership skills as a group leader, and in doing chores such as cooking, cleaning, composting and making friends.

In EYC, I have learned to see Jesus through many good friends.  From their sharing. I could see Jesus working in their life in helping them to overcome the obstacles they encountered in their life.  At times they would falter but they would get back on their feet again with the help of God.  Knowing that they could do it filled me with renewed strength to overcome the obstacles in my own life. I was struck with what Sister Dora said, “Life is not fun without challenges”.

Moving on from EYC, I am determined to apply what I have learned from EYC to my life. One of these is prayer life.  During EYC, we were guided in our prayer through the Divine Office prayer, the Rosary prayer, and daily Mass.

Besides that, I will value and not waste water.  During the camp, we faced water shortage and were forced to save water for our daily consumption.   Through that experience, it has taught me to appreciate water. I realized that I have wasted a lot of water back home before this camp.

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