HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
CMI parishioners urged to model after Mary

BUKIT PADANG – Mary was not the only one chosen by God, but all of us as well. If we do what she did, we too are special in the eyes of God.
Archbishop John Wong called parishioners of the Church of Mary Immaculate (CMI) to model after Mary on his pastoral visit, which coincided with the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception on Dec 9.
The call was made during the Sunday Mass presided by the prelate, and concelebrated by Fr Russell Lawrine.
The parishioners prepared for the celebration with a Triduum from Dec 5-7, which concluded with a bi-lingual Mass presided by Fr Paul Lo Dec 7 evening, followed by a simple fellowship to mark Fr Lo’s 13th sacerdotal ordination anniversary. The Boys’ Brigade obliged with a medley of Christmas carols.
A fellowship and lunch at the canteen followed after Sunday Mass. CMI PPC chairperson Catherine Engsun informed that CMI is embarking on a new phase with the church extension, which means that additional space and facilities would be accorded for the expansion of programs for children, youth and families in the faith community.
Fr Russell Lawrine, being his first celebration at CMI as priest, called on all to allow the feast day to provide for the physical nourishment and bonding of the communities to continue the good works of God which have started in and through them.
In his turn, Archbishop Wong touched on the purpose of his pastoral visit. He explained that besides celebrating the Eucharist with the faithful, and having fellowship with them, the norm of a pastoral visit includes a meeting with the parish council/committee a day before so that he could be updated on the life and running of the parish/church.
The usual cake cutting and tokens presentation followed after the speeches.
Entertainment was provided by the various groups/ministries, including a song entitled I Will Follow Him sung by PPC. – CMI SOCCOM