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The voice of young Sabahans: their hopes and prayers for the new Malaysia

Roney Eming, Keningau – MY hope is that fellow Malaysians will always preserve harmony, tolerance and respect towards differences of religion, race even political understanding. I hope the welfare and the need of rakyat is given number one priority in all planning and implementing measures.

Young people must care about current issues and realities of their surrounding, being involved in activities specially organized for youth and being tactful in making choices and decisions for the common good for the future.

I pray for continuous stability, development, peace and independence for Malaysia.

Linton Lilo, Kota Belud – I hope that this new Malaysia will strive better for its future. I want the people to benefit not only from the economic development but from the education system, social lifestyle and technology advancement.

As young people, we should contribute more to the country. Young people nowadays have so many talents, energy, creativity and innovation but we lack the courage and motivation to move forward or to make changes.

I pray our country Malaysia is free of corruption. Bless our prime minister and all the ministers. Give them vision and courage, as they ponder decisions effecting peace and the future of Malaysia. Make this great land and all its people know God’s will clearly, that they may fulfill the destiny ordained for us for the salvation of the nations, and restoring all things in Christ.

Kelly Liong, Ranau – MALAYSIA Day in essence is a historic event that brought unity among the rakyat in order to create harmonious country, a place where respect towards differences are uphold.

With the new Malaysia, I hope Malaysians are able to be openly involved in developing the country together with the government to re-stabilize it.

Today’s young people are increasingly swallowed by the world. For this new Malaysia, young people must be courageous in voicing out their opinions and to act for changes. We are the agents of change and the future of Malaysia. If the young people are involved in a negative way in the new Malaysia, it will contribute to the “aging of the country”. I encourage the young people and also myself to not be lazy but to practice critical thinking. Do not be afraid to act for justice but act rationally. Prove to all that we are not just demanding to be heard, but that we can also act sensibly.

May our God bless and protect Malaysia from all injustices and grant strength as well as wisdom to its leaders and rakyat.

Lay Metha, Kiulu – FOR this new Malaysia, I hope the leaders and rakyat from all races unite and practice healthy competition towards development, without wanting to defeat anyone. Leaders and rakyat must care for the marginalized and minorities such as the native, ex-convicts, poor, ex-addicts and so on. We must be bothered with climate change. I hope for healthy rapid development without destructing the environment, traditional culture and our original identity.

As young people, we can start small but consistent. We must read, research, share good thoughts through social media using story telling tools, less gossiping, be a volunteer to an NGO, go out and see your surroundings, listen to uplifting stories and the needs of the oppressed minorities, do not litter, recycle. We may not always afford to contribute money, but we can share our energy, knowledge and time to be a citizen who cares.

Jenna Robert, Likas – TO me, Malaysia Day commemorates a day where we celebrate freedom from foreign rulers and the uniting of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak as a cohesive force and a new identity – Malaysian and truly multi-cultural and multi-religious.

As a second time voter, I felt proud that Malaysians made a conscious and united vote for change and gave our current government a chance to bring in new tidings to our country, however long it may take. It was the most exciting event in our political and communal history and many Malaysians showed enthusiasm and were proactive. I hope that the new government carries on the spirit of the people who voted for them – a spirit for renewal and uprooting the bad and a desire for unity and good change.

Young people in this generation should equip themselves with all the knowledge and information they can get and disseminate messages of hope and peace among Malaysians to spark the spirit of inclusion and responsibility.

Joannes Jomitol, KK – MALAYSIA day is a time for me to reflect and be grateful for all the blessings that God has given to Sabah because of the formation of the Federation 55 years ago. At the same time, it is also a time for me to think what would I want to leave behind for the future generations.

I hope the people will now know the power that they have when they are united as one. Great things can be achieved if we move forward together, fight against corruption, racism and oppression.

Discover who you are, your calling, and live them out passionately and courageously.  I pray that Malaysia will be a Country after God’s own heart!

Jeremy Chin, Tg Aru – IT is a celebration where Sabah and Sarawak formed Malaysia on Sep 16, 1963. It’s a historical moment where we should continue to celebrate the unity of all races, cultures and religious.

For the first time in history, Malaysia saw a change of government last May 9. With a new Malaysia, the citizens must be patient and have confidence with our new government. We are the one who chose them and so let them perform their duty.

For the government, they have to be well prepared with knowledge on what they are doing. They should start their day with a smile, be confident and work with integrity so that they are always ready to serve the nation and its people.

Meanwhile the young people should share their skills and expertise to develop the nation whether in sports, technology, food industry and many more. I pray for peace, harmony and unity. May God guide our leaders for a better future and economic stability so that we can journey together to achieve our nation’s vision and mission.

Maria Baidolly, Penampang – FOR me, Malaysia Day is a day to celebrate our unity as a country and remembering the struggles of the leaders before us who fought for the independence and unity of this country.

We saw a change of government since its independence in 1957, I hope the people of Malaysia will make full use of the opportunity through this change by cooperating with the new government and work together as a nation to build a better future.

Young people of the country must be more involved in the country’s affairs and supportive towards building a better future.

May the Lord continue to shower His blessings upon our country and continue to guide our leaders in good governance for a better Malaysia. Amen

Jeremiah Michael, KK – MALAYSIA Day always reminds me of how blessed I am to be born and living in Malaysia as God has granted us peace despite how broken we are as a country. God never fails to bless us with peace in this country.

My hope for the new government is that they will be more honest and sincere in doing their duty as leaders of this country.

As a youngster, I always feel that it’s important for us to continue praying for our leaders and always continue to preserve the peace that we have now. Always treat each other with respect and love. In this small way we will be able to serve and turn our country into a better place to live.

I pray that may God continue to guide our country to become a great nation and continue to do His will despite any circumstances.

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