HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Boys’ Brigade 4th KK Company celebrates 36th Enrolment Service

BUKIT PADANG, Kota Kinabalu – The Boys’ Brigade (BB) of the 4th Kota Kinabalu Company celebrated its 36th Enrolment Service (15 May 1982 – 2018) during Sunday mass at Church of Mary Immaculate (CMI) on 29 Aug. 81 officers and members who came in full uniform, attended the service.
Before the Mass, BB members lined up in front of the church for the Guard of Honour. Fr Paul Lo, presiding priest, had the honour of performing the inspection of the line-up of both junior and senior members.
He also presented appointment letters to new Warrant Officers namely; Daniel Tham, Maltida Tham, Adrian Thien, Cecelia Thien, Alex Lee and Dorothy Ho.
Before mass began, a short video clip on the activities of the BB was shown to the congregation. The Boys’ Brigade joined in the procession carrying their flag which was received by Fr Lo, and handed over to Captain Anna Liew and placed beside the sanctuary.
After homily, Fr Lo informed the congregation that he would be performing the Act of Enrolment and blessing for the BB members in attendance. To this end, the BB official song titled ‘Anchor Song’ was sung by the BB members, saluting the emblem of strength and right and remembering their motto: ‘Sure and Steadfast’.
Fr Lo invited the Company Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) to come forward in turn, to renew their promise to advance God’s Kingdom among members, to support the church and to promote habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-respect and all that tends towards true Christian character.
The pre-junior, junior and senior members also renewed their promise to be loyal members of the BB which helps them to enjoy life in physical, educational, social and spiritual growth; and to support all the activities of the Church and Company in God’s name.
Fr Lo called upon the congregation to pledge their support for the work being done by the BB in this Church and to pray for all the Officers and Members that God will keep them sure and steadfast in their faith.
During mass, members of the BB were involved as the commentator, readers, wardens and offertory bearers.
They adjourned afterwards for a group photo session, awards presentation and lunch fellowship.
With every badge/award given out during the Brigade Award presentation, there was a short explanation on the process they have gone through in order to get the badges/awards.
Also present in this celebration were the Honorary Captain, Mr. Anthony Fong, the founder and first captain of the 4th Kota Kinabalu Company, and Captain Neil Mah of the 11th Kota Kinabalu Company.
For boys and girls who are interested, the BB’s weekly activities are on Saturday, 2pm to 5pm at Church of Mary Immaculate or visit online at 4thkkbbcoy.blogspot.com or its Facebook page: 4th Kota Kinabalu Boys Brigade Company – CMI SOCCOM