KOTA KINABALU – The religious men and women of Kota…
Catechetical Sunday to be celebrated in January 2017
PAHANG – The Malaysian Catechetical Commission (MCC) has decided to celebrate Catechetical Sunday in January 2017 instead of in September.
This was decided at the MCC Meeting on 10-13 October 2016 at the Father’s House in Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. This is done to coincide with the commencement of the Malaysian academic year. The Order of Blessing for catechists may be done at this time. In 2017 the observance will be on Sunday January 22.
Eighteen delegates from the Archdioceses of Kuala Lumpur, Kuching, and Kota Kinabalu, the Dioceses of Melaka-Johor, Penang, Miri, Sibu, Keningau, and Sandakan; and the Vicariate of Brunei Darussalam attended the meeting.
Present were seven clergy including Bishop Cornelius Piong of Keningau (Episcopal President), Jesuit Father Alvin Ho (chairperson), Religious and laity.
The meeting began with Eucharistic Celebration presided by Bishop Cornelius Piong. In his homily, the prelate encouraged and motivated all MCC members to face the challenges in the Catechetical Ministry.
The meeting deliberated on many issues and concerns. One of the deliberations was on how MCC could help to prepare an on-going systematic faith formation for catechists at arch/diocesan and national level that would equip the catechists to face the challenges of today’s post-modern society.
Other areas of concerns deliberated at the meeting were the catechetical resources and teaching materials including the Malaysian Catechetical Series (MCS) that was developed and structured more than 20 years ago. To upgrade the quality and methodology of catechesis, a set of instruments has been prepared to conduct the survey by arch/diocesan director and/or coordinator. This survey will involve the catechists, students in the faith formation programmes, and parents. This survey form will be distributed to all dioceses and will be conducted between January and June 2017.
The meeting also deliberated on the MCC Constitution with a few amendments. The theme for Catechetical Sunday 2017 was also deliberated. After a process of discernment on the challenges that affect the faith of our Catholics in today’s situations and circumstances, the meeting unanimously chose “Christ, Our Joy” (John 15:11) as the theme. Fr Mark Michael of Penang Diocese will prepare the reflection on the theme.
The next MCC meeting will be held on 9-13 October 2017 at Good Shepherd Seminary Melaka.