KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
Over 300 catechists receive awards for their service
KOTA KINABALU – Over 300 catechists received certificates of appreciation for their service in Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese at the Jubilee for Catechists on 24 Sept 2016 at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre here.
The event, organised by the Catechetical Commission, was held in conjunction with the Extraordinary Year of Mercy.
Some 1,200 participants including the organisers took part in the various programmes featured.
After the speeches by organising head Sr Dariah Ajap, Spiritual Adviser Fr Nicholas Stephen and Archbishop John Wong, the prelate opened the Jubilee of Mercy for Catechists.
The prelate proceeded to present the certificates to 327 catechists who have served 15 years and above, the longest being 41 years: Maria Sainim Rongkom of Kota Belud and Julian Matinggu Siong of Kiulu.
After a short break, Fr Nicholas presented a catechesis on the theme The Merciful Gaze of Jesus, followed by group sharing based on the theme and the pastoral message of Abp Wong.
Two participants, Rebecca Chew of Kota Kinabalu and Felicia Mojilon of Labuan, shared their experiences in handing on the faith to the younger generations.
Later, time was given to all the participants to contemplate mercy by reflecting on Caravaggio’s painting on the Calling of St Matthew.
After lunch, the participants prepared themselves to enter the Door of Mercy at the Sacred Heart Cathedral followed by Mass presided by Abp Wong, concelebrated with Frs Nicholas Stephen, Joshua Liew, Johnny Raju, Rayner Bisius and Mitchelly Kiun.
The event ended with stage presentations by the participants at the parish centre.