KOTA KINABALU: Social communicators from the nine Catholic dioceses in…
Bishop Sebastian Francis is president of CBCMSB
MAJODI, Plentong – The Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei (CBCMSB) met on 11-15 July 2016 to discuss the various aspects of the life of the Church in the region, and especially the challenges it faces, and to evolve common action to revitalise the Church and to render the Church more effective in its service to the members and to the society at large.
At the meeting, the new office-bearers for the term 2017 – 2018 were elected. They are:
President : Bishop Sebastian Francis
Vice-President : Bishop Cornelius Sim
Hon Secretary : Archbishop William Goh
Hon Treasurer : Bishop Bernard Paul
Archbishop John Ha
Archbishop Julian Leow
Archbishop John Wong
Bishop Richard Ng
Bishop Cornelius Piong
Bishop Joseph Hii
Bishop Julius Gitom
Bishop Simon Poh
Priest-Secretary : Rev Dr Michael Teng
The Arch/bishops also elected the following as Presidents of the Regional Episcopal Commissions:
Biblical : Archbishop John Ha
Consecrated Life : Archbishop William Goh
Diocesan Priests and Seminaries : Bishop Richard Ng
Ecumenism and Interreligious Affairs : Archbishop Julian Leow
Family, Laity & Life (President) : Archbishop John Wong
(Vice-President) : Bishop Julius Gitom
Liturgy : Bishop Sebastian Francis
New Evangelisation : Bishop Simon Poh
Pastoral Health Care : Bishop Cornelius Sim
Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants : Bishop Bernard Paul
Justice and Peace : Bishop Joseph Hii
Social Communications : Bishop Cornelius Sim
Malaysian Catechetical Commission : Bishop Cornelius Piong
Malaysian Catholic Education Council : Archbishop Julian Leow
Apostleship of the Sea : Archbishop William Goh
Youth/Campus Ministry : Bishop Simon Poh
Malaysian Bishops’ Conference President : Archbishop Julian Leo – heraldmalaysia online