HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Bishop Pedro Arigo pays courtesy call on Archbishop John Wong
KOTA KINABALU – Bishop Pedro Arigo of Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines, accompanied by 7 priests, 3 sisters and 3 church volunteers arrived at Kota Kinabalu 25 Feb 2014 for a four-day study tour. During his stay in Kota Kinabalu, he paid a courtesy call on Archbishop John Wong. The visitors were also able to participate in the ordination ceremony of Fr Michelly Kiun on Feb 26 at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Karamunsing.
Bishop Arigo chose to stay in Kampung Sugud, Penampang, hosted by Blasius Binjua, Chairman of St Aloysius’ Church Limbanak, Property and Finance Committee. This enabled him to immerse and appreciate the life and culture of the local people intimately. He is pleasantly surprised by the vibrancy of the local Catholics in their participation of spiritual, welfare and social activities of the Catholic Church.
While visiting Mari-Mari Cultural Village courtesy of Sabah Tourism Board, the entourage generally felt at home because of the similarities of the cultural performance. Bishop Pedro opined that with the fast development of Sabah and its unique tourist attractions, he foresees more travel between Puerto Princesa and Kota Kinabalu on the newly introduced three-weekly direct flights by MASwings which also made it possible for religious groups to visit Sabah for the first time. – Blasius Binjua
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