Tuaran, 33 km from KK, is a bustling little town with tree-lined boulevard-style streets and the distinctive nine-storey Ling Sang Pagoda, whose approaches are dominated by vividly painted guardian deities. Tuaran is likely named for the Malay word tawaran, or ‘sale’, reflecting its history as a trading post. There is a Mengkabong Water Village, a Bajau stilt village built over an estuary, but development and pollution has diminished this spot’s charms. St John Tuaran Parish is situated at the very heart of Tuaran Town. It became a parish in 1954. The present church was built in 1954. Renovated in 1981.
The first missionary to reach Tuaran was Fr Pundleider in 1883. He built a house on a hill in Kg Kusai and stayed there for three years. After him came Fr Groot in 1917. He obtained a piece of land in Kg Tanjong in 1918 where he built a building which served as chapel, rectory, and school.
Sr Cecilia Liew fsic (professed 1962)
Fr Francis Tsen (ordained 1966)
Sr Appollonia Gumpu fsic (professed 1989)
Fr Aloysius Fidelis (ordained 1992)
Sr Liliana Gubod fsic (professed 1995)
Fr Marcellinus Pongking (ordained 1996)
Sr Frances William fsic (professed 1997)
Fr Benedict Daulis (ordained 1999)
Sr Rita Serunai fsic (professed 2007)
Sr Martina Godtol fsic (professed 2008)
Jalan Tanjong Lubuaya,
P.O.Box 8, 89207 Tuaran Sabah
Tel: 088-788472
Fax: 088-788149
Parish Priest: Fr Thomas Yip (Oct 2022)
Asst Parish Priests: Fr Wiandigool Runsab (Oct 2022) & Fr. Bradley Stephen(8.12.2023-)
PPC Chairperson: Dr Bonaventure Boniface (2023-2026)
Secretary: Hilda Burai (2023-2026)
Masses available:
Sat: 6:00pm (BM)
Note: Every first Sat of each month, Mass in English-6.00pm
Sun: 8:00am (KD), 10:30am (BM)
Pastors Past & Present:
Fr Groot, Fr Verhoeven (1925), Fr John Quinn, Fr Augustine Wachter, Fr Raich 1920-1930
Fr Raich, Msgr August Wachter, Fr McCarthy, Fr William, Fr Bohm, Fr Antonissen, Fr J Quinn, Fr Srandercher, Fr Obertegger, Fr Theurl, Fr Bernard Walsh, Fr Fliir, Fr AG Lampe, Fr Valentine Weber 1930-1940
Fr McCarthy, Msgr August Wachter, Fr Valentine Weber, Fr Paulmichl, Fr Theurl, Fr Obertegger, Fr Haaren, Fr McManus, Fr Schoor, Fr Al Grent, Fr Joseph Hiu, Fr Dominic Bekema, Fr Arnold Verhoeven, Fr Willibrord Smit, Fr John Baptist Yong, Msgr James Buis 1941-1950Fr Verhoeven, Fr Joseph Hiu, Fr Putman, Fr Cowan, Fr Bekama, Fr McLindon 1951-1960
Fr Verhoeven, Fr Joseph Hiu, Fr Putman, Fr Cowan, Fr Bekema, Fr McLindon 1951-1960
Fr JW Roetenbeg 1953-1954
Fr SL Terpstra mhm 1954-1974
Fr Geest mhm 1961-1970
Fr Peter Windram mhm
Fr John Tsung 1961-1970
Fr J Heuschen 1961-1970
Fr John Hiu 1961-1970
Fr Pendergast mhm 1968, 1974-1976
Fr George Saraber mhm 1974-1976
Fr AG Lampe mhm 1961-1970, 1974-1976
Fr Anthony Putman mhm 1951-1960, 1974-1976
Fr Joseph Dapoz mhm 1961-1970, 1974-1976
Fr Gerard Preyde mhm 1977, 1979-1981
Fr Joseph Gapitang 1980
Fr Augustine Amandus 1981-1984
Fr Benjamin Basintal 1984-1986
Fr Lawrence Chua 1986
Fr Joseph Liansim 1986-1990
Fr Peter Abas 1986-1990
Fr Louis Purcell mhm 1990
Fr Ambrose Atang 1990-1993
Fr David Sham 1991-1992
Fr John Mansul 1992-1993
Fr Patrick Erik Jerome 1993-1994
Fr Julius Gitom 1994-1995
Fr Jan van der Salm mhm 1995-1996
Fr Alex Jimsy Julius 1995-1996
Msgr Primus Jouil 1997
Fr Bruno Yasun 1997
Fr Michael Modoit 1999
Fr Thomas Makajil 2000-2008
Fr Nicholas Stephen 2008-2014
Fr Edward Raymond 2014 – Oct 2022
Fr Maxmillianno Benhor Hontor 2014
Fr Abel Madisang (1.6. 2016 – 2022)
Fr Thomas Yip (01.10.2022-)
Fr. Wiandigool Runsab (01.10.2022-)
Fr. Jeffri Gumu (09.12.2022- 28.02.2023)
Fr. Bradley Stephen(8.12.2023-)
63 Outstation Chapels/Churches under 4 zones
St Patricia Gonipis
St Theresa Kisonit
St Simon Kolubaan
St Martin Lingga Baru
St Elizabeth Liposu
St Michael Lokub
St Paul Lubok
St Philip Mangkaladom
St Timothy Nulu
St Peter Pinagon
St Yohannes Pukak
St Joseph Ratau
St Michael Rugading
St Gabriel Ruminding Inanam
St Augustine Sinansag
St Mary Sukang
St Andreas Talantang
St Julius Talungan Tudan
St Joseph Tiku Inanam
St Sebastian Bukit Giling Telipok
St Antonio Bundung
St Joan Logkou Telipok
St Paul Logub
St Thomas Sawah
St Theresa Tengkurangoh
St Julius Bambangan Baru
St Patrick Bundu Tohuri
St Joseph Guakon
St Anthony Kauluan
St Henry Kelawat
St Julius Kibambangan Bundu Tohuri
St Joseph Koporingan
St Joseph Kotonuan Baru
St Martha Loputung
St Francis Minangkob
St Cornelius Moingob
St Maria Puhus
St Lukas Rambai
St Anna Ruhiang
St Paul Sinalapak
St Philip Tamparuli
St Louis Tiong-Tiong
St Paul Togop
St Mary Tomis Baru
St Cecilia Gumoron
St Thomas Kelawat
Kg Ponopuan
Kg Tolus
St Peter Koburan
Holy Rosary Lapai
St Theresa Linsuk
St Mary Masilou
St Francis Monggis
St Anthony Peturu Darat
St Mark Suromboton
St James Tenghilan
St Yohannes Tinuhan
St Dominic Gontung
St Petrus Lapasan
St Joseph Madang
St Michael Rungus
St Theresa Toboh Baru
St Mary Topokon