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– PAX Assembly 2005

Follow-Up Actions Suggested By PAX Assembly 2005

All the 200 participants of the 2005 PAX Assembly held Oct 13-15 in Bundu Tuhan came up with suggestions for follow-up actions in four specific areas: spirituality, leadership, pastoral structure and program/strategy.


  1. Promote a spirituality of communion
  2. Always have a sense of gratitude
  3. Live the Word of God
  4. Make the Diocesan Vision and Mission our culture


  1. Prayer life of leaders needs to be deepened
  2. Priests and religious to be models of prayer life, relationship and apostolate
  3. Priests to give time to meet people after Mass
  4. Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC) to be more active
  5. Provide guideline for Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) on its role
  6. Identify and form future lay leaders
  7. Empower the laity
  8. Selection system of PPC to be reviewed
  9. Provide guideline for organising spiritual activities in parishes
  10. Provide guideline for setting up Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs)
  11. Evaluate DOPP based on the actual “Plan” stated in the book
  12. Parish funds to be given priority to DOPP- related programmes and activities
  13. Formulate motto for good service (e.g. 4Ks: Kesetian, Kesanggupan, Kemahiran, Keberanian)
  14. All PCC heads to meet once a year to propose parish issues for the attention of the DPC
  15. Have qualified counsellors in each parish
  16. Diocese to identify and work with professionals and other groups
  17. Continue the spirit of DOPP but needs a proper monitoring mechanism

Pastoral Structure

  1. Set up BEC with home visitation as preparatory step
  2. Set up Parish DOPP Committee
  3. Set up Diocesan and Parish FormationTeam
  4. Form “welcoming committee” and “condolence group” as concrete ways of caring
  5. Set up proper documentation room in parishes
  6. Diocese to have an Information section, esp on family data and statistics


  1. Review the approach of presenting DOPP to make it more effective
  2. Ongoing formation and catechesis on DOPP, esp during homily and outstation visits
  3. More catechesis on Eucharist
  4. More efforts to promote priestly vocation
  5. Focus on building Christ-centred communities
  6. Focus on youth and young people
  7. Focus on family apostolate (visit, personal approach, census)
  8. Increase effort in human resource development (knowledge, skills, attitudes)
  9. Focus on catechetics
  10. Pastoral planning that produces annual schedule
  11. Balanced apostolate: “inward and outward”
  12. Widen the apostolate to larger society
  13. Respond to the cries of people in society
  14. Focus on the Goal of the Diocese: “To create a new people of God”
  15. Financial and property management that is systematic and transparent
  16. Promote widely Church tradition
  17. Parish committees to be properly commissioned
  18. Ongoing evaluation for each pastoral programme
  19. Create skilled manpower for ministry and apostolate
  20. Organise “Consultation on Family” to discuss issues related to family life
  21. Have a youth ministry that involves the PPC and Women’s League

History of PAX-DOPP

Evaluation (2005)

Analysis & Summary

Living Our Vision in Today’s Realities (2015)

Pastoral Thrust of KK Archdiocese

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