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StCorneliusAndStCyprian2Cornelius was elected bishop of Rome in 251 in succession to St Fabian.  He fought against the Novatian schismatics who denied that those who had lapsed from the faith could be reconciled. Driven into exile by the Emperor Gallus, he died in 253 at Civitavecchia Italy.  His body was brought to Rome where he was buried in the cemetery of St Callistus.  He is venerated as a martyr.

Cyprian was born of pagan parents in Carthage around the year 210.  He was converted, ordained and subsequently made bishop of that city in the year 249.  By his writings and his actions he guided the Church through difficult times.  He was another leading opponent of Novatianism.  In the persecution of Valerian he was exiled, then martyred on the 14 Sept 258.

Both saints are included in the Roman Canon. – CTS New Daily Roman Missal 2012, p 2997; Christian Prayer 1990, p 1231

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