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The agricultural town of Papar is situated 38.5 kilometers from the State Capital, Kota Kinabalu. Journey from Kota Kinabalu to reach Papar takes approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour by car and 1 hour and 30 minutes by train.

The most popular spot in the Papar district is its Tamu (Sunday market) which opens every Sunday from 6a.m to 1.30p.m. The Tamu offers a wide variety of juicy local fruits, unique Sabahan handicrafts, fresh vegetables, fish, and many more.

Visitors who take the train will get to cross the Papar River over a steel trestle bridge as Papar, the ‘Rice Bowl of Sabah’ comes into view.

Papar was the original site of Fr Daniel Kilty’s first station. It was not within easy walking distance from the present church. Another missionary Fr Bernard Pundleider joined Fr Kilty in 1882 at Papar and later opened a station upriver at Simpudu. Soon Fr Prenger also joined Fr Pundleider. Due to ill health, the indifference of the locals hence the shortage of work, they were transferred to Sandakan in 1883. Fr Kilty also left Papar soon, so both Papar and Simpudu stations were closed by early July 1883.  The first church was built in 1900.  The present church was opened on 26 Aug 1987.  The presbytery was built in 1993. The youth centre was opened by Msgr Primus Jouil on 28 May 2000.  The parish hall was named  after the late Fr John Tsung who had served there for over ten years (1981-1993).

Jalan Pos, P.O.Box 1, 89607 Papar Sabah
Tel: 088-9135
Fax: 088-911130

Parish Priest: Msgr. Nicholas Stephen
Asst Parish Priest: Fr Joshua Liew (01.10.202022 – )
Asst Parish Priest: Fr. Lasius Gantis (01.10.2022 -)
PPC Chairperson: Mr Johnny Sitamin (2023-2026)
Secretary: Judith Sideh (2023-2026)

Masses available:
Sat: 6:00pm (EN/BM)
Sun: 8:00am (EN/BM)

Pastors Past & Present
Fr Daniel Kilty mhm 1881-1884
Fr Aloysius Goossens mhm 1903-1930
Fr N Sweele mhm 1913-1916
Fr Arnold Verhoeven mhm 1920-1929
Fr J Oss mhm 1925-1926
Fr P Groot mhm 1926-1927
Fr Francis Xavier Sint mhm 1929-1930
Fr Joseph Shek 1929-1948
Fr JMA Klijn mhm 1931-1949
Fr Schoor mhm 1938-1940
Fr A Paulmickl mhm 1958-1959
Fr M Obertegger mhm 1941-1945
Fr J Theurl mhm 1942
Fr A Raich mhm 1943
Fr JV Haaren mhm 1943
Fr P Mcmanus mhm 1945
Fr John Baptist Yong 1945
Fr A McCarthy mhm 1946-1948
Fr A Mulders mhm 1947
Fr JW Roetenberg mhm 1947, 1953-1954
Fr Thomas Sham 1948-1950, 1953, 1968-1970
Fr Arthur Crowther mhm 1949-1951
Fr McLindon mhm 1952
Fr Peter Mah 1954
Fr Louis G Purcell mhm 1955
Fr Brian Coogan mhm 1958-1960
Fr PB Walther mhm 1959-1963
Fr M Gillespie mhm 1964-1966
Fr A Rainer mhm 1960-1961
Fr Peter de Wit mhm 1961-1965
Fr J Heuschen mhm 1964-1968
Fr Peter J McDonald mhm 1969-1972
Fr Aloysius Tung 1973-1980
Fr John Tsung 1981-1993
Fr Thomas Makajil 1994-1998
Fr Augustine Amandus 1994-2000
Msgr Primus Jouil 1998-2000
Fr Bruno Yasun 2001-2007
Fr Ambrose Atang June 2000
Fr Marcellinus Pongking 2001-2007
Fr Thomas Yip (2014 – 01.10.2022)
Fr Jalius Sading 2014
Fr Thomas Madanan 2016-2017
Fr Rayner Bisius (9.7.2017 – 01.10.2022)
Msgr. Nicholas Stephen (01.10.2022-)
Fr. Joshua Liew (01.10.2022-)
Fr. Lasius Gantis (01.10.2022-)


Sr Joan Neubronner fsic (professed 1953)+
Sr Agnes Wong fsic (professed 1954)+
Sr Elizabeth Shang fsic (professed 1954)+
Sr Celestine Nandu fsic (professed 1968)+
Sr Judith Francis fsic (professed 1969)
Fr Felix Chung (ordained 1969)
Sr Frances Mani fsic (professed 1970)
Sr Magdalene Sapanggil fsic (professed 1972)
Sr Bernardine Avitus fsic (professed 1976)
Sr Martha Jonik fsic (professed 1977)
Fr Ambrose Atang (ordained 1989)
Sr Juliana Jalius fsic (professed 2000)
Fr Sunny Chung (ordained 2010)
Fr Jack Johimi Sigam (ordained 2014)
+ deceased

Outstation Chapels/Communities
St Damian Kg Dambai 1977
St Luke Kg Lakut 1999
St Kenneth Kelatuan

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