In some of the writings about the early Catholic mission in North Borneo, both the Moyog and Papar Rivers were popular routes for the Mill Hill Missionaries to reach the inlands. Subsequently the early mission stations of Inobong and Kinuta were established. Now, one and a half centuries later, we thank God that almost all families in these two regions have become followers of Christ.
On the occasion of the first Parish Day celebration of Holy Trinity Inobong Parish, I wish to share the joy of the families whose forefathers were among the first baptised Catholics in Inobong area. That joy is driven by a deep gratitude to God for the gift of faith, which leads us to recognise that our God is a Trinitarian God, Father-Son-Holy Spirit. He is a God who loves and forgives, merciful and compassionate. Our God reigns not only in the entire universe but He dwells in our hearts too.
If this is the God your forefathers had followed, and if this is the God you have encountered through Jesus Christ, then as members of the Holy Trinity Inobong Parish, your lives must also be grounded in love and forgiveness, mercy and compassion. It would be ideal if these four attributes could form the foundation of your parish and family lives.
Physical facilities are necessary to help a parish grow. But unless and until its spiritual foundation is properly laid, such facilities would remain cold and even burdensome. It is my prayer and hope that all Catholic families in this new parish would begin to let go of themselves and let God reign over their personal lives. Make the Trinity the model of your parish and you will draw others to your communities.
At the same time, as a parish within the archdiocesan community, I would encourage you to strive to understand and make our Diocesan Vision and Mission a reality.
Happy 1st Parish Day to you all!
Most Rev John Wong