KOTA KINABALU – The religious men and women of Kota…

SOCCOM ADKK Organises Reflection Session to Prepare for 57th WCD
KOTA KINABALU – The Archdiocesan Social Communication Commission (SOCCOM ADKK) organised a half-day reflection session for 73 members of both archdiocesan and parish levels on 1 May 2023 at the Catholic Archdiocesan Centre (CAC) here.

Its objective was to help members to understand the message of Pope Francis for the 57th World Communications Day (WCD57) on the theme “Speaking with the heart: the Truth in love” (Eph 4:15) so that they may have a more meaningful celebration of the event come May 21 at the Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC) Karamunsing.
The presenters simplified the papal message through video montage and slide presentations, drawing out salient points in a way that could be easily understood by the audience. Group activities like group sharing and skit presentations involving everyone were part of the programme.

Aside from the above activities, the organisers took time to explain the roles and functions of SOCCOM. Before the session ended, Fr Thomas Madanan, SOCCOM ADKK Spiritual Adviser, briefed those present on the plans outlined for the year including the ongoing Year of St Joseph Programme. (For SOCCOM Members who need a pdf copy of St. Joseph’s Booklet, click here to download).
The organisers also encouraged the parish SOCCOM members to create their own parish SOCCOM logo (for those with no logo yet) as well as a poster design based on the theme and message of Pope Francis which are to be brought to SHC on May 21 for the WCD celebration.
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