HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…

Back to work, CAC staffs follow strict SOP
PENAMPANG, May 13, 2020 – Back to work on May 13, staff of Catholic Archdiocesan Centre (CAC) clocked in with a new norm in place as measures to deal against the spread of the coronavirus.
The Office has put in place a strict Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in line with the government’s Conditional Movement Control Order which the staff have to follow closely.
Body temperature will be taken and recorded daily at the front office and staff will have to also apply hand sanitizer including sanitizing the shoes before entering the offices. For offices with more than one staff, they would have to put on face mask while working. They are also reminded to wash hands with soap and water regularly and to strictly practice social distancing at all times inside the office of at least three feet apart from each other.
Only visitors with prior appointment are allowed into the office compound and will have to also follow the same SOP undertaken by the office. Discussions or meetings will only be done at the lobby area. – Linda Edward
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